


We are seeking out those who fear the Lord and will work together with Duranno to realize its vision and ministry.

Duranno PEOPLE

We worship and fear the Lord.
Each team and department starts the day by meditating on God’s Word with Living Life Quiet Time magazine.
Every Wednesday morning, our employees gather together to worship the Lord.
Every Friday lunch, prayers are lifted up for the nation, the church, and Duranno Ministry.
Twice a year, there is a company-wide spiritual retreat for all employees.
The Mount of Olives prayer room is where individuals and small groups can pray at any time.
As we grow together, we also desire to bless one another.
Our employees can rest and relax in the lounge and book café, and a meeting room is available for various meetings and group discussions.
Special bonuses are provided during the Lunar New Year and Chuseok holidays.
For their spiritual care, every employee is provided with a monthly copy of Living Life QT magazine as well as books published by Duranno every quarter.
We also implement shortened working hours for pregnant women and parental leave to support family care.
To encourage self-development, a stipend for book purchase is provided.
To ensure the wellbeing of our employees, they are granted a stipend for health and fitness and have access to exercise machines and a massage chair.
하나님의 마음으로 어려운 이웃을 섬깁니다.
군선교회, 교도소 등 '생명의삶'을 전달하여 그들을 돕습니다.
암 환우들을 위한 '힐링터치 예배'가 강남 세브란스 병원에서 매주 목요일 저녁 7시에 진행됩니다.
매년 국내 아웃리치를 통하여 지역을 위해 돕고 섭깁니다.
※ 군선교회, 교도소에 '생명의삶' 후원을 통해 따듯한 사랑을 전하기 원하시면 연락바랍니다. (02-2078-3400)


We are searching for dreamers who will unite with Duranno to dream God’s dreams.
We are searching for God's people who, in fear and reverence for the Lord, will share Duranno’s vision and carry out its ministry.
Being in the world but not of the world, together we desire to be salt and light.


Application Process

Step1 Document Screening

Step2 Interview

Step3 Acceptance


Planning, Editorial,
Book design,
Multilingual Translation
Sales, Marketing, Advertising,
Customer Service
Book Store
Store Management and Cafe Operation
Planning, Development, Coding, Design

Application Requirements and How to Apply

Applicants must be Christians who have been baptized; a certificate of church membership must be submitted.
Applications can be submitted via the Duranno Jobs website.
For designers, please attach your portfolio.